Miocene brachyuran Crustacea from Konar-Takhteh and Ahram sections, southwestern Iran

Mehdi Yazdi, Ali Bahrami


Five species of
brachyuran Crustacea from the Middle Miocene are described from the
Guri Member of the Mishan Formation in southwestern Iran. The
species include the leucosioids Leucosia persica; Seulosia sp. cf.
S. rhomboidalis; Myra sp.; the portunoid Portunus withersi and the
xanthid Demania ahramensis n. sp. The paleobiogeographic affinities
of these genera reinforce previous interpretations of a wide
distribution between the Persian Gulf and the Indopacific

Palabras clave

Crustacea; Decapoda; Brachyura; Miocene; southwestern Iran.

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